Pavel Dřevojan: Ústav botaniky a zoologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Kotlářská 2, CZ-611 37 Brno,

Abstract: This report describes the occurrence of Geranium divaricatum in the town of Třebíč (western Moravia), where this species has repeatedly been collected. It occurs there at three sites, which are here characterised in detail. Geranium divaricatum grows in vegetation of the Geo urbani-Alliarion petiolatae, Sisymbrion officinalis, Onopordion acanthii, and Chelidonio majoris-Robinion pseudoacaciae alliances. Furthermore, the long-term survival of the species at its sites is commented. The paper also includes a summary of the former and current distribution of G. divaricatum in the Třebíč District, where it currently occurs at four localities.

Key words: Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, endangered species, floristics, Geraniaceae, plant distribution, Třebíč District

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